You don't have to live in pain and poor health.
There is better way.
Rewrite your story
Your Unique Journey
We recognize that you are more than just the sum of your meals. Your thoughts and daily actions wield as much influence on your well-being as your dietary choices.​Our approach to fostering a healthy lifestyle is comprehensive. We prioritize nutrition while integrating stress-relief techniques and cultivating new, healthful routines—all condensed into a structured 12-week program.​
Achieving a healthy, balanced body and effecting lasting change demands a program tailored to your enjoyment and feasibility within your living environment. Within the Light2Live community, every member receives a personalized nutritional plan, supported by our guidance throughout the transformative 12-week journey.
Each week, we applaud your progress, address your queries, and offer practical solutions to propel you towards your objectives.​Upon completing our 12-week program, you'll not only adeptly navigate nutritional challenges in any scenario but also possess the tools and knowledge to seamlessly integrate a health-conscious lifestyle as your new norm.
January bootcamp
8 Weeks to a healthier and lighter body
3 Set menu plan
Recipe book with 100+ easy and delicious foods/drinks/snacks
Recipes tried and tested
Seven group online strategy sessions with your coach
Videos to equip and inspire
Daily Nutritional Guidelines
Daily Journal
Weekly progress tracker
Support and guidance from your coach
Strategy plan for the future when finishing your program